1) Always keep your training ground as close to the level of your assembly as possible. The training ground should be leveled before you level any other buildings.
2) If you plan on leveling cottage/tax office/mint during the day always hold a portion of your levies in reserve for the end of the day so you can net more drachmas from them.
3) Do not level your Trading Post/ Market until you have used up all the quota for the previous level. Remember once your Market/Trading Post hits the level of your assembly you only get to use the quota once a day.
4) Silver Vault/Granary/Shop are low importance buildings. Since for the most part you use drachmas up as fast as you make them the silver vault should be no higher than you absolutely need. Same Goes with the granary. Since the Level of the shop only affects the the maximum level of your enhancing and the level of equipment you can BUY, it is also low priority. I'm not saying you shouldn't level these, you should just after you've leveled everything else.